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How Can IT Use ...

How Can IT use a Company Intranet?

There are a number of ways IT can use the company intranet to improve communications and business process, such as delivering IT-related communications, enabling self-service functionality, simplify access to complex systems and more.

Using the company intranet to deliver IT-related communications

IT often overlooks the company intranet as a way to deliver proactive communications about tech changes (think migrations, training options, device status, device health, outages, etc.), but the reality is, it's the ideal location. Emails and system tray alerts are often missed, but centralizing these kinds of messages alongside other important tasks and information increases the likelihood that they'll be seen.

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Using the company intranet to enable self-service functionality

The company intranet is the ideal resource for improving operational efficiencies and reducing costs related to IT support. Through the use of an intelligent enterprise chatbot located on the intranet, IT can enable a self-service process for service tickets that leads to a better user experience and increased productivity for employees and help desk staff alike.


Using the company intranet to simplify access to complex systems

The best company intranets use integrations to make it easier for employees to interact with all of the enterprise systems they need to do their jobs, eliminating the time-consuming need to log in and out repeatedly over the course of the day. This use of integrations future-proofs the digital workplace and creates an experience layer that delivers just the right tasks and information from core enterprise systems, providing the customized digital experiences employees expect and increasing productivity by creating a single source for the tasks and information they need to access the most.

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The best company intranets use integrations to future-proof the digital workplace and create an experience layer that delivers just the right tasks and information from core enterprise systems.

To see the benefits of a modern intranet in action, request a personalized demo.


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