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Workgrid Featured in New ClearBox Consulting Report
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Employee Communication App

Workgrid Featured in New ClearBox Consulting Report

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Published on Nov 8th, 2022
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Written by Janine Marchi

Demonstrated value in improving the employee experience

Workgrid is proud to announce that we’re featured in ClearBox Consulting's 2023 report, “Mobile Apps for Employee Experience,” which reviews 15 leading employee apps against a framework of real-world business requirements.

The mobile employee apps report is a buyer’s guide for Internal Comms, HR, IT, and Operations, reviewing 15 leading digital workplace apps 

Our inclusion is significant, because as ClearBox recognizes, “Workgrid is not a traditional communications application or intranet platform.” Instead, we’re a value-added layer working with traditional intranets to deliver easy integrations, a no-code app builder, and a variety of additional features that bring much needed utility to the intranet experience. 

With Workgrid, organizations can bring notifications, communications, tasks, and information from critical business systems right to the intranet, guiding employees’ attention to what they need to know and take action on.

An unexpected, but necessary, addition to a modern, intelligent digital workplace

ClearBox ranked the 15 solutions included in the report against 8 criteria: 

Because Workgrid isn’t a traditional employee communications app or intranet, some of these criteria weren’t an appropriate match for our features and functionality.

For example, ClearBox describes Workgrid’s communication features as “limited,” but highlighted our strength in surfacing communications from core business systems and our ability to deliver targeted, personalized messages to employees to keep them focused and engaged.

Workgrid centralizes tasks, information and communications, improves focus and productivity for employees. 

With Workgrid, employees are empowered by an intelligent activity stream that elevates system messages and corporate communications outside of email, ensuring workers can stay on top of what needs their attention. Plus, notifications are personalized to each employee based on their job, role, location or other targetable attribute, so the information they receive is always relevant and timely.

Workgrid - a key digital workplace player

Workgrid is unique in the digital workplace market because it’s designed to simplify the digital employee experience.

While other systems in the tech stack are focused on whatever core function they’re meant to control - HCM, ERP, procurement, payroll, etc. - the proliferation of those systems creates a digital experience that’s confusing and full of friction.

Workgrid eliminates those struggles by making it easier for employees to interact with core business systems.

Workgrid’s value in the digital workplace is highlighted in the Clearbox report, which underscored the importance of the specific features we bring to the intranet:


This was ranked as one of the most valuable capabilities Workgrid offers, with the ability to integrate with more than 200 systems (including Jira, SAP, UKG, Workday, etc.) and create custom experiences for those systems using no-code development and a selection of pre-built templates.

User experience

Workgrid provides employees with easy access to the tasks, information, and communications they need, wherever and whenever they need them.

The Workgrid mobile app showing the To Knows, To Do, and Apps menu area.

Information finding

An intuitive, natural language chatbot provides users with personalized answers to common questions and deliver self-service functionality. 

Creating a simpler work experience with Workgrid

The value of Workgrid for employees is clear. With Workgrid on the intranet, workers know exactly where to go to keep up with important tasks and information, and they can seamlessly interact with the enterprise systems they need to do their jobs.

Workgrid creates a custom user experience that: 

  • Surfaces the right notifications, signals, alerts, and information when they’re needed, right in the channels employees prefer to work in 

  • Sends nudges for time-sensitive information or tasks that require awareness or actions 

  • Automates complex workflows and processes, giving users greater flexibility and more time to focus on meaningful work 

The result is better productivity and more time to spend on fulfilling, high-value work.

The value for the business is equally significant. Workgrid increases the value and utility of the intranet, drawing employees in by enabling them to quickly and easily complete tasks and find information. This increased traffic to the intranet means higher visibility for corporate communicates and better overall satisfaction with the digital workplace.

It’s a win-win for the entire organization. 

To learn more about how Workgrid can add value to your digital workplace, check out ClearBox’s report

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