The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace
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November 2023 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace
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November 2023 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace

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Published on Nov 21th, 2023
The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace

How does AI fit in the digital workplace?

The digital workplace landscape has changed with the emergence of AI Work Assistants. These advanced solutions are more than mere tools; they represent a seismic shift in how we perceive and execute work.

The traditional notion of work is in its final days—infinite repetitive tasks, endless meetings, and aging technology. With the rise of AI, what we're witnessing today is nothing short of a transformation akin to the industrial revolution. However, AI is irrelevant if it is not operationalized and put into the service of employees.

Here's what we've been talking about lately:

What We're Interested in Lately

Here's what caught our eye in the world of employee experience and the digital workplace lately...

From Workgrid

Workgrid Announces the Launch of New AI Work Assistant

Empower every employee with an intelligent conversational AI experience to automate tasks and search for information across your digital workplace. Workgrid's new AI Work Assistant is a cutting-edge conversational platform that enhances the employee experience with its advanced AI functions and a new modern user interface.

From Reworked

7 Ways Leaders Can Use AI to Improve the Digital Employee Experience

The best companies are laser-focused on providing exceptional experiences for customers. But to attract and retain the best talent, organizations need to be able to tout a strong culture, and digital employee experiences are becoming essential to keeping employees happy, engaged, and productive.

From Workgrid

The Future is Now: The Rise of Smart, AI-Driven Assistants

The digital workplace landscape has changed with the emergence of AI Work Assistants. These AI assistants are more than just 'chatbots'; they represent a seismic shift in how we perceive and execute work, revolutionizing operational models and offering unprecedented efficiencies.

Join us on December 5th

Meet Workgrid's AI Work Assistant! Join us for an exciting product webinar where members of the Workgrid product team will introduce you to our AI Work Assistant and showcase its incredible features and new capabilities.

This webinar is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how our AI assistant can enhance productivity and revolutionize the digital employee experience. Register now to secure your spot!

The Workgrid Podcast | Digital Workplace Alignment and Delivery

In this episode of The Workgrid, host Rob Ryan is joined by Alyssa Hagan, the Director of Communications and Content at Encompass Health. Alyssa and Rob discuss digital transformation, her experience bringing a mobile app to the organization, and the significance of relationship building across IT and Communications to achieve digital workplace success.

App of the Month: My Day

Help streamline the workday with simplified access to daily calendar events. With the My Day app, the assistant proactively sends users a daily calendar notification providing a summary of their Outlook calendar events. Employees can conveniently join meetings right from the notification.

The My Day app can also be conveniently found in the assistant's app menu or opened using natural-language chat within Workgrid's conversational interface.

[asset] My Day Image NEW

For more on Workgrid's out-of-the-box app templates, view all apps.

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