The State of Modern Employee Experience

Exploring the need to streamline in today's cluttered digital workplace

Today's workforce faces a peculiar dilemma

Workgrid & ReWorked conducted a study on the state of the digital employee experience, surveying more than 400 workers to better understand the challenges managers face with their teams. The results indicate that employees are spending an unnecessary amount of effort using technology to get their jobs done. This digital friction poses a threat to overall employee wellbeing.

66% of employees are using more apps than before the pandemic

A dramatic rise in systems and information have left workers struggling. According to Harvard Business Review, today's employees toggle between 22 different apps and web properties, leaving them to switch windows more than 3600 times a day on average.

Having too many apps to check in their workflow creates a variety of challenges for employees, including difficulty finding information, distracting alerts & pings, and time wasted context switching and navigating archaic legacy processes.

73% of managers say tech actually gets in the way of employee productivity

Communication tools are the biggest productivity blockers. Email, messaging apps, and collaboration tools are regarded as major pain points by managers, leading to distraction from work and frustration amongst teams.

74% of managers can't process approvals in just one day

Tasks such as accessing payroll information and viewing time off balances are ranked as the most difficult routine tasks by managers with only a quarter of managers reporting that they can complete an approval in less than a day.

Because of the impact of context switching and unintuitive systems, it takes the vast majority of managers 2-5 days to process an approval, resulting in a significant slow-down of business processes.

Opportunities to improve employee experience

Employees are better equipped with resources and tools than ever before. But while technology is undoubtedly improving the business environment, it’s creating problems of its own.
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96% of people

said they experience digital friction

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#1 productivity blocker

Email was reported the #1 productivity blocker for managers

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Nearly 70% of people

think the digital workplace has room for improvement

Download Research Report

This report explores the specific challenges the influx of new technology often creates for managers and their teams, as well as the opportunities to improve employee experience in a digitally-driven environment.

Reducing Digital Friction with Workgrid

Workgrid's guided attention technology enables employees to focus on their work by reducing digital distractions and, surfacing and granting access to information and tasks at the right time, in the right channels.

How Workgrid Works

Create exceptional employee experiences with conversational AI

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Connect with the systems, knowledge sources and documents you use every day

Empower employees to automate tasks and find information across your digital workplace from a single, natural language interface.

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Choose from pre-built templates or build workflows from scratch

Rapidly deploy conversational AI experiences that automate tasks, speed up content generation, notify employees, or accelerate knowledge discovery. Choose from 50+ out-of-the-box app templates or configure custom experiences using Workgird's low code builder.

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Deliver the AI Work Assistant wherever your employees work

Deploy the AI Assistant wherever your employees work including Microsoft Teams, the Intranet, SharePoint, web browser, or a conversational AI web client.

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