2021 Gold Medalist Data Quadrant Award
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Workgrid Ranked as a Champion in 2022 Digital Workplace Emotional Footprint Report
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Workgrid Ranked as a Champion in 2022 Digital Workplace Emotional Footprint Report

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Published on Aug 17th, 2022
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Written by Emily Rodenhuis
2021 Gold Medalist Data Quadrant Award

Workgrid – best-ranked overall digital workplace solution 

Workgrid is proud to announce we’ve been ranked a champion among 25 digital workplace vendors in Software Review’s 2022 Digital Workplace Emotional Footprint Report. 

Having also ranked as a gold medalist in their 2021 and 2022 Digital Workspace Data Quadrant Awards, this new ranking establishes Workgrid as an overall leader in digital workplace solutions, delivering significant value on both product capability and service delivery. 

Workgrid scores highly in service, strategy, and innovation

The scoring for this report was focused on net emotional footprint, which measures user sentiment toward the product offerings that were ranked. Reviews were collected from real end-users and meticulously verified for veracity in order to create a holistic, unbiased view of the product landscape.

Here’s how Workgrid compared to the other solutions included in the report:

Net emotional footprint: +98

CX score: 9.4/10

In a field of 25 solutions, Workgrid ranked second in overall sentiment, with a nearly perfect record of positive feedback. Workgrid was also considered to be an effective digital workplace solution and one that saves users’ time.

In addition, Workgrid received net emotional footprint scores of +100 in the categories of:

  • Wasting time vs. saving time

  • Greedy vs. generous

  • Vendors interest first vs. client interest first

  • Despised vs. inspiring

Scores establish Workgrid’s unique value in the market

Workgrid earned emotional footprint scores of +100 in the areas of delivering unique features and helping innovation. This demonstrates the unparalleled value Workgrid’s digital assistant delivers when used in conjunction with tools like intranets or employee communication apps, technologies that often struggle to differentiate themselves because of the commoditized nature of their features.

[gif] intranet layer gif

By providing employees with easy access to everything they need to know and do, creating a personalized experience that simplifies the work day, Workgrid transforms the intranet into an integral part of digital workplace strategy.

What sets Workgrid’s digital assistant apart is its ability to guide workers’ attention to what needs their immediate attention by abstracting essential tasks and information from enterprise systems. The result is a custom, personalized experience for employees that simplifies work by:

  • Surfacing the right notifications, signals, alerts, and information when they're needed

  • Sending nudges for time-sensitive information or tasks that require action

  • Automating complex workflows and processes

What can Workgrid do for your digital workplace?

These findings make it clear that Workgrid is a widely respected digital workplace solution that’s worth taking a look at.

Interested in learning more about what can Workgrid do for you? How about creating an employee-focused digital work experience that’s free from digital friction?  

Check out this product tour to learn more… 

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