Workgrid Software Product Release Updates
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Workgrid March 2023 Product Updates
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Workgrid March 2023 Product Updates

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Published on Mar 29th, 2023
Workgrid Software Product Release Updates

March Round Up

As the saying goes, March was in like a lion and out like a lamb. After a busy couple months of releases, the team spent March finalizing just a few new apps and making some feature updates we think you'll love!

Time Guardian

Help employees save time in their calendar for focused time and work. Integrated with Microsoft Outlook, the Time Guardian App encourages employees to block out quiet time when they have more than 20 hours of meetings scheduled in the current or following week.

[asset] time-guardian-ui-example

Who's Out

Stop asking "who's out of the office?" and proactively inform employees when team members are out. The Who's Out App integrates with Microsoft Outlook and sends an automated weekly alert that summarizes who on the team will be out - including your manager, your manager's direct reports, and your own direct reports - making it easier to keep track of schedules and get work done.

[asset] teams-time-away-ui

Sales Approvals for Salesforce

Accelerate the sales approval process with the Sales Approvals App. Enable managers to view and sign off on quotes directly from Workgrid, removing the added steps to login to the source system. Plus, keep submitters up to date with notifications when there is a status change to their request.

icon[asset] salesforce-approval-examples

Reading Recommendations

This new app helps improve employee engagement by introducing users to newly published content. Employees receive a smart notification linking directly to a new wiki or blog they may be interested in based on topics and authors they have previously engaged with.

[asset] reading-recommendations-igloo-ui

Space Analytics Update

Engagement is a new metric that has been added to the Space Analytics dashboard to provide additional insight into valuable interactions. It represents the number of meaningful engagements a user has with Workgrid: unique notification views, total microapp opens, and total chatbot responses. This new metric also informs Unique Engaged Members and Members Engaged Now.

Discover Workgrid Use Cases and Integrations

Improving the employee experience just got easier. Explore this overview of Workgrid use cases to help guide employees' attention to what they need to know and take action on.

For more on integrations and our collection of app templates, visit the integrations catalog.

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