Workgrid Software Product Release Updates
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Workgrid February 2021 Product Update
News and Updates

Workgrid February 2021 Product Update

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Published on Feb 22th, 2021
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Written by Liz Smith
Workgrid Software Product Release Updates

February feels like it should be National Workgrid Month - because February is National Time Management Month! And at Workgrid, we endeavor to always help employees be productive and get more time back in their day to focus on the work that matters most!

In that spirit, here are just two updates that will only take two minutes of your time.

Tasks Improvement Will Save Users Time

Users can now rapidly add multiple tasks or lists with ease on mobile. Enhanced functionality has eliminated the need to tap "Add a task" or "Add a list" after each entry - helping ensure users can be efficient no matter where they're working.

[gif] quick add task list

More information on Tasks can be found in our Help Center.

End of the IE11 Era

Internet Explorer 11 is the final version of this Microsoft web browser. As such, Microsoft will stop supporting the browser this spring and Workgrid will end support effective March 1. This affects toolbar users and means new functionality and enhancements put into production cannot be guaranteed to work in IE11. We recommend using the latest version of either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

You can read more about our supported browsers and devices here.

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