Workgrid Software Product Release Updates
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Workgrid February 2020 Product Update
News and Updates

Workgrid February 2020 Product Update

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Published on Feb 13th, 2020
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Written by Liz Smith
Workgrid Software Product Release Updates

As organizations strategize about the best way to deliver an employee-first digital experience, the Workgrid product and development teams have been focusing all their attention on building features and functionality that help employees increase productivity, reduce frustration and drive business value.

The February product update is particularly focused on apps, which simplify interactions with complex systems by delivering streamlined access to personalized information such as time-off balances, payroll information and more, all from a central location.

Better yet? The Workgrid catalog has an array of out-of-the-box apps that you can install with a few clicks of a button to deliver quick value to your employees.

So what’s new in Workgrid’s app store with the February release? Check it out…

App Store Updates

For Admins

Install and deploy your own custom apps to Workgrid

  1. Easy-to-use interface that allow customers to deploy their own apps for use within the Workgrid Assistant

  2. New apps can be created with just a few clicks -- all the admin has to do is simply add the valid URL endpoint where the hosted app lives

App Targeting

One of the most impactful features we’ve added in the February release is the ability to target apps to specific sets of employees, so the app will show up by default in their menu of available apps.

For Employees

So what do these product enhancements mean for employees?

  • Workgrid users have one central location for frequently used tools and don’t have to toggle back and forth between multiple systems.

  • Employees have the flexibility to choose which apps are available to them within the digital assistant and can arrange them by order of preference using a simple drag and drop editor.

Chatbot Updates

It’s now easier than ever to add or change many Quick Links at once!

Enhancements to the Workgrid chatbot include the ability to bulk upload quick links in the Q&A builder. The feature also supports a drag-and-drop CSV import for adding a series of Quick Link entries, as well as a CSV export for file sharing and batch editing.

This enhancement is important for admins because it gives knowledge owners an easy, no-code way to train the Workgrid chatbot on providing helpful answers when people just want to know what a link to a specific enterprise system or resource is. It’s also an improvement for employees because it gives them a consumer-grade experience for finding just the specific information they need.

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