The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace
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May 2024 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace
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May 2024 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace

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Published on May 21th, 2024
The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace

AI-driven Transformation for Employees

The AI train has left the station and many have been left to figure out the best ways to maximize this technology for their organization. For most, AI can have a transformative impact on the employee experience but the question remains: where do we start?

Here's what we've been talking about lately:

What We're Interested in Lately

Here's what caught our eye in the world of employee experience and the digital workplace lately...


Embracing AI in 2024

How can you make AI work for you in 2024? Here's a look at how organizations are embracing AI in 2024.

From HR Tech Outlook

The AI Work Assistant Focused on Improving the Digital Experience

Bringing AI to your HR tech stack can have drastic impacts on the overall employee experience. Here's a look at how an AI assistant is improving the digital experience.

From Forbes

The Intranet Cinderella Story: Dreaming Big With AI

Technology and fairy tales aren't often discussed in the same sentence, but as the AI story unfolds we're witnessing the intranet Cinderella story: dreaming big with AI.

From Reworked

4 AI Features that Are Revolutionizing EX Platforms in 2024

Today AI offers an opportunity to support organizations and improve operations. These AI features are revolutionizing employee experience platforms in 2024.

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Attention Spans in the Digital Age

Gloria Mark, Ph.D., is a psychologist, professor, and author of "Attention Span: A Groundbreaking Way to Restore Balance, Happiness and Productivity". In this podcast episode, Gloria brings her extensive research to the table, diving into the complexities of attention, executive function, and the impact of modern workplace distractions.

App of the Month: Travel Reminders

Help employees plan and prepare for work travel with the Concur Travel Reminders app. Out of the box this app automatically delivers an itinerary reminder with details including travel dates, booking sources, and more. It also reminds employees to bring a corporate credit card two days before scheduled travel. The AI Assistant streamlines information and automates workflows so employees don't have to worry about what's coming up.

[asset] Travel Reminder

For more on Workgrid's out-of-the-box app templates, view all apps.

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