The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace
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May 2022 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace
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May 2022 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace

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Published on May 17th, 2022
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Written by Emily Rodenhuis
The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace

Building a digital workplace that simplifies the work day

What kind of experience are you delivering for your employees?

It's a question that deserves consideration, because the simple fact is, employees are struggling. They face a constant assault on their attention and an oppressive need to always be tuned in. The prevalence of digital friction makes things even worse for them. Work isn't so simple anymore, and employees are having to waste a sizeable chunk of their day context switching and app hopping.

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One way organizations can reduce these frustrations for employees is by simplifying the work day. Making it easier for employees to do the job they were hired to do and eliminating the roadblocks that steal time from meaningful work.

Below are some resources to help you do just that, with something to help every organization create a seamless, intelligent digital work experience that empowers workers and gives them more time to focus on meaningful work that brings them fulfilment.

The Latest from Workgrid

[Blog] Streamline ITSM Ticketing, Procurement, Approvals, & More with Workgrid

Get an inside look at how Workgrid integrates with ServiceNow to streamline ITSM ticketing, facilitate change management, and simplify procurement approvals by giving employees quick access to important tools and system information right from the Workgrid digital assistant.

[asset] ITSM Chat and Notification

[Blog] 3 Common Integration Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Simplifying the work day is reliant on the effective use of integrations to help employees seamlessly connect with the tasks and information they need in enterprise systems. Here are the 3 biggest mistakes organizations typically make with integrations and how to avoid them.

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[Blog] Things You Wish You Knew About Integrations and the Intranet

Successful use of integrations can make or break your intranet experience. Read on to understand the myth vs. reality of integrations, plus get insights into the four levels of integrations and which is best for your organization.

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From Sharon O'Dea

Employee Communications Management Platforms May Be Coming, But They're Not What We Need

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From Digital Workplace Group

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From ReWorked

New Wave of Collaboration Apps Look to Cover All Team Collaboration Needs

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Featured Workgrid Integrations

Expense Management

Understand how Workgrid integrates with expense management systems including Chrome River and SAP Concur to help employees approve, track, and manage time-sensitive expense approvals, whenever and wherever it's convenient for them. 


Learn more about how Workgrid integrates with ServiceNow to provide employees a streamlined and simplified experience for creating requests and taking action on ServiceNow notifications and approvals. 

Workgrid for Microsoft Teams

See how Workgrid puts that tasks and information employees need into a centralized experience in the MS Teams app, helping employees avoid app hopping and time-wasting context switching. 

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