The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace
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February Edition 2023 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace
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February Edition 2023 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace

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Published on Feb 22th, 2023
The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace

It's crazy to think we're already more than halfway through the first quarter of the year! As we move into March we're continuing to focus on bringing the digital workplace of the future into the present. With more technology than ever before, organizations should be prioritizing the relationship between their workplace tech and the employees who use it. 

Here's what we've been talking about lately:

The Latest from Workgrid

Use Cases for Improving Employee Experience

Improving the employee experience just got easier. From simplified access to important information such as time off balances and pay data, to single-click approvals and automated reminders, these Workgrid use cases help guide employees' attention to what they need to know and take action on all within the flow of work.

Digital Workplace Solutions for 2023

Insights from Igloo Software's Breakfast Club panel. A deeper look at digital workplace challenges, ownership, and developing a long-term management strategy.

What We're Interested in Lately

Here's what caught our eye in the world of employee experience and the digital workplace lately...

From Team Integral

2023 Digital Workplace Trends - What We See Coming

A look at the anticipated digital workplace trends and new technologies that support them.

From Gartner

Quick Answer: What Can IT Do to Stop the Notifications Exasperating Our Workers?

Insights into easing digital friction and the burden on employees to be continuously informed.

Upcoming Events

Intranet Reloaded

Are you attending Intranet Reloaded this March? Be sure to check out the Workgrid session on Thursday, March 23, where Rob Ryan will share practical solutions for revolutionizing the digital workplace and taking employee experience to the next level!

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For a limited time Workgrid can provide complimentary access to this Gartner® Report, "Quick Answer: What Can IT Do to Stop the Notifications Exasperating Our Workers?"

Employees are inundated with information, applications, and communications. Download your copy now for insights into easing digital friction and the burden on employees to be continuously informed.

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