The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace
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April 2022 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace
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April 2022 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace

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Published on Apr 19th, 2022
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Written by Emily Rodenhuis
The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace

Creating an intranet experience that drives employee engagement

The last two years threw a lot of challenges at organizations and employees alike. Figuring out how to enable everyone to work remotely. Coming to grips with the reality that having employees work from home could be beneficial. Understanding the complexities of hybrid work. It’s been exhausting.

Ironically, the key to tackling many of these challenges has been right under our noses – the intranet.

With the right approach, the intranet can simplify the work day for employees and eliminate their challenges with digital friction and attention management, setting them up for success no matter where, when, or how they work.

If you want to create an intranet experience that drives employee productivity and engagement, check out these resources we’ve pulled together for you. You can also feel free to reach out if you’d like to discuss your specific intranet situation.

Good luck!

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