Addressing Chatbot Misconceptions on TWiML & AI Podcast
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Addressing Chatbot Misconceptions on TWiML & AI Podcast
Artificial Intelligence

Addressing Chatbot Misconceptions on TWiML & AI Podcast

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Published on Jul 26th, 2018
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Written by Janine Marchi
Addressing Chatbot Misconceptions on TWiML & AI Podcast

Are chatbots a fad? Do chatbots learn from magic? What is the key to chatbot adoption? What skills do you need to build a chatbot?

With chatbots and smart assistants becoming one of the fastest growing tech trends there are a lot of questions and misconceptions when it comes to chatbots and how they work.

Our Head of Engineering and AI, Gillian McCann sat down with Sam Charrington on This Week in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Podcast to help answer some of these hot topics including:

  • Common misconceptions about chatbots

  • Insights into how chatbots learn; hint, it's not magic

  • Best practices for chatbot adoption

  • Importance of conversational analytics

  • How to build a chatbot that won't annoy your users

  • What's needed to build a proper chatbot based on your audience

And many other insightful chatbot tidbits, take a listen below!

Interested in learning more about how machine learning and artificial intelligence are dramatically changing how businesses operate? Be sure to check out other podcast by TWiML & AI Podcast, hosted by Sam Charrington. This Week in Machine Learning & AI brings top minds and ideas from the world of AI to a broad and influential community of data scientists, engineers and tech-savvy business and IT leaders.

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