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2023 Year in Review (and What's to Come in 2024)
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2023 Year in Review (and What's to Come in 2024)

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Published on Dec 20th, 2023

At Workgrid, this year has been filled with pivotal releases and enhancements, evolving our product alongside the ever-changing technology landscape, and delivering a new conversational AI platform to meet the needs of the digital workplace.

Celebrating a year of innovations

As we wrap up 2023, we are proud to celebrate a year filled with innovation. As artificial intelligence moved full steam ahead, the team at Workgrid doubled down on the development of leading-edge technology to deliver a product that maximizes enterprise tech investments, simplifies information finding, and improves the digital employee experience.

Here’s a closer look at this year in review:

Introducing the AI Work Assistant

Powered by new AI capabilities, the AI Work Assistant debuted this year, making it easier than ever before to perform tasks and retrieve information from across the digital workplace. The assistant’s conversational interface connects your notifications, tasks, apps, and knowledge sources all into a single intelligent stream. This enables you to use AI to chat across your organizations systems to find the information that matters most. Delivered via a new web-based conversational AI client, the AI Work Assistant provides employees with a modern UI returning responses in conversation, rich UI cards, forms, and more!

The AI Work Assistant’s enterprise-grade conversational AI platform leverages advanced natural language processing technologies to accurately understand employees’ requests, summarizing information and suggesting relevant content in response. By merging AI-technology with a conversational interface, the AI Work Assistant helps to enhance the employee experience by guiding employees’ attention and reducing digital noise by delivering information in one intelligent stream.

Apps, Apps, Apps!

This year our collection of app templates exploded to over 50 with more than 90 features! The collection of pre-built app templates includes a wide range of use-cases and integrations. Most notably, we released our collection of Genie Apps, a series of templates designed to maximize the value of generative AI technology for employees with added guardrails built in.

In addition to generative AI, some popular app use cases released this year included My Day, an Outlook calendar integration that summarizes and links directly to daily events, Salesforce Opportunity Updates, a integration to the CRM system that can update employees on the status of sales opportunities without requiring a Salesforce license, and Chat to Documents, an enhanced chatbot experience in which employees can ask a question and receive a summarized response generated from uploaded documents such as employee handbooks or policy documents.

Explore the complete template library for more!

Workgrid for Microsoft Teams

You can now simplify the workday for employees with Workgrid for Microsoft Teams, which embeds the Workgrid assistant directly into Microsoft Teams to deliver a modern employee experience.

With our new Teams integration, employees can leverage all the benefits of the Workgrid AI Work Assistant right from their Microsoft Teams app. The Workgrid for Microsoft Teams experience helps employees work more efficiently by guiding attention to what they need to know and act on from across the digital workplace, right within the channels they work most.

Behind-the-Curtain Enhancements

This year we made several enhancements to make the user experience even more seamless. In addition to increasing the number of out-of-the-box app templates available to customers, we also made many changes to our no-code builder, making it easier to configure and customize those templates, or to create your own. Builder updates included:

  • More operations, including AI operations

  • Support for new AI data sources

  • “Share App” functionality

  • Bulk deploy and deactivate features

  • A larger drag and drop zone

  • Hover-over hint fields

  • Governance and privacy enhancements

  • Added trigger features

  • Enhanced audience targeting

  • Improved template versioning

In addition to Builder, we made a number of updates to the Workgrid Console. These updates include:

  • An expanded playground experience to test and emulate experiences for the assistant

  • An improved navigation menu

  • A better experience for those who manage multiple spaces

What’s Next? Looking Forward to 2024

Looking ahead to 2024, our commitment remains steadfast in delivering even more innovative and advanced capabilities to the AI Work Assistant. Our goal is to provide our customers with an intelligent solution that empowers them to effectively harness the power of AI in the workplace. We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and are dedicated to continuously enhancing our product to meet the evolving needs of our valued customers.

Here are a few things we are excited about in the new year:

Briefing Experience

A new briefing-like experience will deliver employees a personalized briefing that guides your attention to the work that matters most, aiding employees the first time they open the assistant, surfacing unread notifications and tasks to the top of the already unified, single stream experience.

Search and Extraction Capabilities

We are investing in more search and extract capabilities that will allow users to chat to microapps, account records and other structured data.

Chat to Notifications

This year we launched Chat to Documents, Chat to Folders, and Chat to Knowledge Systems to help employees easily find the information they are looking for. Next year we plan to expand on what users can do using natural language chat including Chat to Notifications.

With Chat to Notifications, we’ll solve a frequent problem: finding notifications. Sometimes you see an alert but are not able to act right away. Rather than having to scroll back to find a notification, users will have the flexibility to ask the assistant about specific notifications by criteria such as date range, data source, or by content and topic. For example, “show my approvals” or “show notifications from last week” will make it easier for employees to find the information they are looking for.

More Apps and Templates

We are excited to continue to grow our collection of app templates, expanding on integrations and use cases across business lines.

Analytics and Testing

To ensure customers can measure the results of their digital workplace efforts, our 2024 roadmap includes working toward more robust analytics experiences and testing tools to empower users to deliver the most effective experiences for their organization.

ChatGPT-like Experiences

Building off the positive feedback from the Genie App templates release this year, we will look to give our customers more flexibility with additional generative AI experiences.

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