The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace
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May 2021 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace
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May 2021 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace

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Published on May 21th, 2021
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Written by Emily Rodenhuis
The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace

Preparing for the Future

Organizations have been making steady advancements with the digital workplace for many years now. The pandemic has accelerated this evolution, however, shining a bright light on what’s working and what’s not. Employee experience is now paramount as businesses universally prepare for whatever the future of work holds. 

Here are some resources to help with your digital workplace strategic planning.

Good luck! And as always, we’re here to help you create a modern, intelligent digital workplace that simplifies the work day for your employees. 

The Latest from Workgrid

[Guide] Creating a Digital Workplace that Improves Employee Experience

Workgrid’s Head of Product, Rob Ryan, discusses the importance of employee experience, the impact of EX trends on the digital workplace, and offers practical recommendations for building the digital workplace of the future. For more on improving employee experience, check out this article.

[asset] Employee Engagement vs Experience

[Blog] Integrations and the Intranet

Frank Pathyil, Director of Business Development for Workgrid, discusses the disconnect organizations experience between the vision they have of integrations on the intranet compared to the reality they experience. He also covers the four distinct levels of integrations and provides guidance on which level organizations should seek to achieve. Check out this blog post for more on Integrations and the Intranet.

icon[gif] to do integrations approval

[Blog] Formula for an Effective Digital Workplace Experience

Troy Campano, Chief Product Officer for Workgrid, shares his formula for achieving an award-winning digital workplace, along with stories from customers that have leveraged modern features and functionality on their intranet to drive digital workplace success. For more on the Formula for an Effective Digital Workplace, check out the blog post.

[asset] Award Winning Digital Workplace Formula

What We're Interested in Lately

Here's what caught our eye in the world of employee experience and the digital workplace lately...

From CMSWire

Want Great Employee Experiences? Take a Walk in Their Shoes

CMSWire talks with Rob Ryan, Workgrid’s Head of Product, about a number of importance digital workplace topics, including the importance of understanding employee need, and the biggest opportunities of remote work has brought to organizations?

From Deloitte

3 Types of Workplaces in the New World of Work

The digital workplace has changed so much in the past year and a half, it’s hard to know what to pay attention to. These predictions help demystify the different types of workplaces organizations will have to consider and adapt to in the coming years.

From CMSWire

The Future of Employee Experience: A Q&A with Global HR Industry Analyst Josh Bersin

HR Expert Josh Bersin discusses his new model for employee experience, “continuous response,” a powerful approach that enables organizations to ensure their employee experience is adaptable to ongoing change.

This 5-minute on-demand demo provides a brief glimpse into how Workgrid can provide
your organization with a unified activity stream, personalized and targeted newsfeed, simplified access to key enterprise systems, on-demand answers to top questions, and more.

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