Workgrid Software Product Release Updates
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Workgrid January 2024 Product Updates
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Workgrid January 2024 Product Updates

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Published on Jan 31th, 2024
Workgrid Software Product Release Updates

January Round Up

There's nothing quite like a January reset to kick off the new year. This month we prioritized a little bit of housekeeping - including optimizations to improve the overall user experience - to start off the year on the right foot as we begin the journey towards the 2024 roadmap.

Set to be released on February 5, here is a sneak peek of upcoming  enhancements that are sure to delight app owners and managers working in the Workgrid console.

Revamped App Landing Page

A simplified app landing page makes it easier to view the data source being used for an app, along with information on its most recent update (including the person responsible) and its current status. In addition to these new viewing preferences, users can also deactivate or export apps from the landing page allowing for even quicker adjustments.

With the introduction of new display options, users can easily filter the apps they have created using a simple toggle, conveniently sort them based on their preferred criteria, and switch between a list and card view for better app visualization. These page preferences are persistent, ensuring that your selections will be saved across multiple sessions.

[asset] Prod-Update-App-Landing-page

Easy Template Imports

The updated app import process enhances the template experience by pulling in more customization options and streamlining the steps required to complete an import - such as setting app name, description, icon, shared app owners, and audience targeting.

We've also added helpful context at the beginning and end of the process so admins know what is required for install and what you can do after on a "What's Next?" page. 

[asset] workgrid-app-install

Template Version Updates

To enhance the user experience and ensure they have access to the most up-to-date features and bug fixes, we have made improvements to the template versioning process. With the improved experience, it is now simpler to update an installed app.

We have introduced a new indicator that notifies users when an update is available for an app template. This experience offers users more flexibility, allowing them to choose between two update options: Admins can overwrite the existing app while carrying over user storage tables (best for unmodified apps), or install a new version to preserve a modified app, so admins can manually update.

[asset] Template version updates

What's to come in 2024

Looking ahead to the rest of 2024, our commitment remains steadfast in delivering even more innovation and advanced capabilities to the AI Work Assistant! Our goal is to provide our customers with an intelligent solution that empowers them to effectively harness the power of AI in the workplace.

We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and are dedicated to continuously enhancing our product to meet the evolving needs of our valued customers. This blog takes a deeper dive into the 2024 roadmap.

Explore App Templates

Workgrid's catalog boasts 50+ app templates available out-of-the-box. Deliver the app as is or use our drag-and-drop no-code builder to customize for your preferences. Schedule a demo with a Workgrid representative today for an exclusive look at how our apps can help support your digital workplace.

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