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Workgrid February 2024 Product Updates
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Workgrid February 2024 Product Updates

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Published on Feb 26th, 2024

February Round Up

Punxsutawney Phil says spring is on the way and so are delightful new experiences for the Workgrid Assistant! Although there may be an extra day in the month of February, Workgrid's new briefing experience means there are no extra distractions at work.

Here's a look at the latest releases:

New Briefing Experience

Centralize and simplify the day's activities with a new briefing experience that guides your attention to what you need to know and do. The briefing experience conveniently displays up to your 10 most recent "take action" items (To Dos) and up to 10 of your most recent "for you" items (To Knows) as the first content you see in your Assistant.

Plus, quick actions below for "explore answers" and "see all apps" guide users to FAQs and integrations that will help them find the information they need in just a few clicks.

The consolidated briefing interface means employees can easily get an at a glance view of their most urgent tasks and notifications. When they return to the assistant at any point in the day, the briefing will remain persistent so they can easily keep track of what they haven't addressed yet!

Toolbar Theming Improvement

Tired of seeing "To Know" on the toolbar and want to spiff things up with "In the Know" instead? Change it up! Your organization now has the option to rename any of the toolbar tabs! Simply put in a request or connect with your Customer Success Director and we'll take care of this for you.

Please note: Language translations do not work with customized tab names.

Action Items in Main Menu

The main menu in Workgrid for Microsoft Teams and the AI Work Assistant now has a tile specifically for Action Items (To Dos). You can request your information notifications (To Knows) separately from your action items at any time. This works in natural language too - try typing "see notifications", "action items", or "what do I need to do" into the AI Work Assistant!

Explore App Templates

Workgrid's catalog boasts 50+ app templates available out-of-the-box. Deliver the app as is or use our drag-and-drop no-code builder to customize for your preferences. Schedule a demo with a Workgrid representative today for an exclusive look at how our apps can help support your digital workplace.

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