Workgrid Software Product Release Updates
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Workgrid September 2021 Product Updates
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Workgrid September 2021 Product Updates

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Published on Sep 28th, 2021
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Written by Liz Smith
Workgrid Software Product Release Updates

Fall arrived last week, seemingly out of nowhere. And while the days are starting to feel shorter and shorter, this month we have a new app and enhanced workflows functionality that will make those “shorter” days more efficient.

New App Available

My Day is the latest Workgrid app streamlining employees’ days by putting important information at their fingertips. My Day notifies users about their Microsoft Outlook calendar events so they get a quick view of their day on any device without ever opening Outlook.

After the app is installed, it will proactively send users daily To Know notifications with their Outlook meetings and appointments. At the end of the day, the notification is automatically deleted, helping keep their notifications stream tidy. Even better? Users can access their appointments right from the notification cards to start and join meetings!

We love this app because it gives users a quick view of their day ahead; tells them when their first meeting starts; and segments accepted, tentative, and no response meetings.

[gif] my day to know example

Workflows Enhancement

Manual workflows can now be deployed as soon as they're published. This enhancement means admins no longer need to schedule a specific time or date for deployment. Previously, workflows required scheduling and would go into a queue to send. Workflow admins who select manual send triggers can choose 'Send ASAP' - which is especially helpful for streamlining testing or deploying critical and real-time task lists.

[asset] Workflows manual send

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