Workgrid Software Product Release Updates
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Workgrid February 2023 Product Updates
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Workgrid February 2023 Product Updates

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Published on Feb 28th, 2023
Workgrid Software Product Release Updates

February Round Up

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it's been nothing short of an appstravaganza for the Workgrid team. This month, we released 11 new app features ranging from employee recognition reminders to intranet sentiment notifications. 

To date we now have over 30 ready-to-use templates for customers to install. Here's a look at what we released in February!

Message Reminder

Provide peace of mind and reduce information bottlenecks by gently nudging employees when they have Microsoft Teams messages they have not replied to in the last 24 hours.

[asset] message-minder-hero

Time Off Reminders

Nudge employees to utilize their time off when they haven't had an out of office event in the last two months.

[asset] outlook-time-off-reminder

Spreadsheet Viewer

Enable content creators and report generators to automatically share highlights from a spreadsheet to a selected audience on a customized cadence.

[asset] spreadsheet-viewer-lookbook-hero

Office Holiday Reminders

Send employees a notification reminding them of any office closures due to upcoming holidays.

[asset] office-holiday-example-ui

Weekly Report

Summarize report values from a spreadsheet and deliver them in a notification on a weekly cadence.

[asset] weekly-widget-report

Intranet Activity Apps

The intranet activity app helps summarize intranet interactions for employees.

Intranet Activity

Help reinforce employee engagement with insights into and a highlight of intranet activity.

[asset] igloo-activity-app-header

Intranet Sentiment

Give content authors insight into overall post sentiment, delivering a summary analysis of positive, neutral, and negative comments via smart notification.

[asset] igloo-sentiment-analysis-ui

Intranet Amplifier App

Last month we introduced two features of the Igloo Amplifier App, company event notifications and birthday celebrations, this month we released the latest addition: 

Blog Keyword Alerts

Send a notification when a new blog is released. Blog labels help indicate who should receive the notification.

[asset] blog-keywords-igloo-UI-example

Training Past Due Reminders

Last month we highlighted the Training Reminder and Training Notification apps for Cornerstone. This month we've expanded our capabilities to include new features to help nudge employees when their training is overdue.

[asset] cornerstone-training-reminder-past-due

Performance Review Reminders

This no-integration recurring reminder prompts employees to schedule their performance check-in two weeks before the end of the quarter.

[asset] performance-review-reminder-card-UI

Translate and Approve Notifications

Simple notifications such as company announcements, town hall meeting reminders, and office closures can now be translated for employees across the globe. 

For added assurance, notifications can be sent to a colleague to approve the translation!

[asset] Azure Translate

Recognition Reminders

Introduced this month, the Recognition Reminders app uses a new integration with O.C. Tanner to encourage a culture of appreciation by prompting employees to recognize or thank a colleague.

[asset] recognition-reminders-example

Discover Workgrid Use Cases and Integrations

Improving the employee experience just got easier. Explore this overview of Workgrid use cases to help guide employees' attention to what they need to know and take action on.

For more on integrations and our collection of app templates, visit the integrations catalog.

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