The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace
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July 2022 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace
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July 2022 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace

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Published on Jul 19th, 2022
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Written by Emily Rodenhuis
The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace

Opportunities to Optimize the Digital Workplace

It’s been a whirlwind few weeks of events. From DWG’s Tech Lab and Gartner’s Digital Workplace Summit to the IABC World Summit and the Future of Work conference, we’ve been immersed in talking with business professionals who are all focused on improving the digital workplace and employee experience. 

It’s. Been. Awesome. 

Aside from just the simple joy of getting to see people in person again, it was also tremendously valuable to talk with people about what their challenges are in today’s constantly changing digital workplace. Digital friction is still a big challenge for many, and the focus on creating an employee-centric digital experience is greater than ever. Delivering communications more effectively continues to be a top concern, as is helping employees be more productive, so they can effectively manage the new work/life balance people are seeking. 

The opportunities to optimize the digital workplace and deliver a better employee experience are limitless. Here are some resources to help you make the most of them.

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Employees spend, on average, at least two hours a day (25% of their work week) looking for the documents, information or people they need to do their jobs.” (Source: Human Resource Director)

[Blog] Overcoming the 3 Leading Causes of Digital Friction

Employees aren’t getting the full value out of your digital workplace because they’re spending too much time battling the digital friction standing in their way. Here’s how to guide employees’ attention for a better work experience.

[asset] digital friction app overload

The average company maintains 651 SaaS applications — and, on average, adds ten new applications to the stack every month. (Source)

What We're Interested in Lately

Here's what caught our eye in the world of employee experience and the digital workplace lately...

From Enterprise Talk

Addressing Digital Friction for Enhanced Digital Productivity

Learn how to grow and succeed in a new world of work that requires understanding employees and creating a simpler digital work experience.

From Powell Software

13 Ways to Improve Internal Communications and Engagement

Ensure employees can feel connected to each other and the organization with guidance for assessing and improving your internal communications strategy.

From ThoughtExchange

Digital Employee Experience and the Future of Work

Understand what the digital employee experience is, why it’s important, and how to optimize it for your organization.

Workgrid at a Glance

Business success in the future of work depends on making the best use of the resources you have – specifically, your workforce. Find out how the Workgrid digital assistant helps employees work more effectively by reducing digital friction and guiding their attention to the tasks and information that matter most. 

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