The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace
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August 2023 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace
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August 2023 | The Grid – Workgrid’s Newsletter for the Digital Workplace

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Published on Aug 22th, 2023
The Grid is Workgrid's newsletter for the digital workplace

What's next for the digital workplace?

We are quickly cascading into the end of summer as kids head back to school and pumpkin flavor goodies start lining the grocery store shelves. But as the days get shorter, one thing remains the same: work is changing. As technology continues to play a major role in our workday, and offices continue to pursue hybrid schedules, the need for a cohesive digital employee experience is at an all time high. And it's time organization's started doing something about it...

Here's what we've been talking about lately:

What We're Interested in Lately

Here's what caught our eye in the world of employee experience and the digital workplace lately...

From Tech the Lead

Will Bots and AI in Employee Platforms Change the Way We Work?

This article explores the impacts bots and AI tools have on increasing productivity levels and creating a better user experience across workplace platforms.

From The HR Director

Closing the Loop on the Employee Experience

Closing the loop on the employee experience explores how businesses ensure a healthy an productive hybrid workforce supported by an optimal employee experience.

From PR Daily

Breaking the Burnout Cycle: Tips for Streamlining Communication and Boosting Workplace Productivity

Break the burnout cycle with these tips for streamlining communication and boosting workplace productivity.

The Workgrid Podcast | Navigating Organizational Change in the Digital Age with Dr. Shaun Slattery

In this episode of The Workgrid Podcast, host Rob Ryan is joined by Shaun Slattery, Ph.D., for a conversation around the intricacies of organizational change management, exploring its role in our tech-driven world. Tune in to gain insights from a seasoned expert and contemplate the future of digital workplaces.

App of the Month: Intranet Sentiment

Help summarize daily intranet interactions for employees with a digest of new posts, sentiment analysis, and metrics such as likes and comments, delivered directly to content creators wherever they work, including the intranet or Microsoft Teams.

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For more on Workgrid's out-of-the-box app templates, view all apps.

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